Cribbing for what we had always wanted but never got,craving for things we always cherished is as common as the sun rising in the east. Has anyone thought whats the secret behind other people getting their dreams fulfilled and not you? In short, has anyone pondered whats the logic behind every other person being more lucky than you? Well the following story will surely help you figure out a fact about the uncertainities in your life.
A research was conducted on a group of people which consisted of those who were of the opinion that thay were lucky as well as those who thought that God had been cruel to them throughout their lives. They were each given a newspaper to read with a particular advertisement which they had to look for. In addition to the advertisement there was a lottery ticket printed in the paper. They were given a fixed time period in which they could read and and locate the advertisement. At the end of the time period, the one's who thought they were lucky, got the lottery ticket as well as the advertisement. The poor unlucky ones could only locate the advertisement. A close look at their thinking methodology and lifestytle brought to surface some astonishing and enlightening facts. Lucky were those who always remained happy and cheerful. They enjoyed the small things in their life. They thought positively and read the newspaper as a normal routine. The unlucky ones had apprehensions about the time period to read the newspaper being too short. They were always doubtful and thought the other way round- What if not? In short they did not enjoy the small things that came their way.
So the moral of the story is that it's not God (if God really exists) who is biased against you and preferentially likes your friends , who you think are lucky. It's the attitude you live your life with that decides. Life is all about "Choices" and those who make right decisions or choices at the right time are plain lucky. Your wisdom to choose depends on your deeds. Thus a sum total of all these events result in that "Luck Factor". Good luck is not something that comes gift wrapped at your doorstep. It has to be earned by working with an optimistc outlook. Had those poor unlucky guys not worried whether they will be able to locate the advertisement or not, had they not strained themselves so much, they would have located the lottery ticket as well.
After all, the amount of good luck that you receive depends on your willingness to accept. Isn't it?
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