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Friday, July 23, 2010

I Have To Move On..

The journey began as I stepped out determined,
Eyes beholding dreams so highly defined,
Loyal to work, I paved my way,
Hoping someday glory shall come my way.
But the path was forested and quiet less traveled
And I had wanted to make a difference.
Cautions were many, helping hands were less.
Advices proved enough for my stamina to suppress.
The faster I moved, the lower dipped the success rate,
critics and cheats had disguised as my mates.
Results didn’t reciprocate the input of my work.
Deceived and unheard, I was left alone in lurch.
Dead ends and steep slopes did me press,
Unfulfilled promises, goals not reached were my distress.
Analyzing my situation and thinking profoundly,
A heavenly light dawned upon me.
Despite the odds, despite the failure,
The path traveled held high esteem, for sure.
The destination reached is a function of time,
Perseverance and hard work are of importance prime.
So burying dead thoughts and bridging the chasm,
Unmindful of success, of my journey’s path,
I marched ahead with vigor and enthusiasm.


  1. The tale of a persistent worker who seeks cares not for the fruit of his actions (ideally) because all that is achieved in due time. The one who shifts from his path to reach his ultimate goal from minute hardships has to move on and try again. Mark my words friend, this alone is the key to success. In proximity there is distress but in long term you should have achieved your goal. You must say that the consequence and result are nothing to me; i must work because i love work; i must work for its own sake, to work is my aim, to keep in activity is my life. Never give up in struggles and overtime you will notice struggles are but minor tests to improve you. In the beginning the writer here (you) are desiring to overcome suppression but you must deserve what you crave. If you deserve, by irresistible Divine law, everything will come to you. In effect you are saying "Give me money, so i can buy what i want" but i say "No, first you have to earn the money, then you may rightfully enjoy what you buy." TO some aspect this correlates with your realization that the path traveled held high esteem because in the end, you would have come a long way, a road less taken, but what you will come to understand you will cherish and enjoy much more than someone who's tasted victory immediately.

  2. Thus, it's worth it. All that you desire and much more are waiting for you in the final beatitude.

  3. hey dis too was gud piyush....i never knew u had dat hiden talent in u.....
    n u know ,one thing i liked about ur poems is dat dey r realistic......:)

  4. i liked esp d charcterisation of d people u meet on d path of ur success....
