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Friday, July 23, 2010

I Have To Move On..

The journey began as I stepped out determined,
Eyes beholding dreams so highly defined,
Loyal to work, I paved my way,
Hoping someday glory shall come my way.
But the path was forested and quiet less traveled
And I had wanted to make a difference.
Cautions were many, helping hands were less.
Advices proved enough for my stamina to suppress.
The faster I moved, the lower dipped the success rate,
critics and cheats had disguised as my mates.
Results didn’t reciprocate the input of my work.
Deceived and unheard, I was left alone in lurch.
Dead ends and steep slopes did me press,
Unfulfilled promises, goals not reached were my distress.
Analyzing my situation and thinking profoundly,
A heavenly light dawned upon me.
Despite the odds, despite the failure,
The path traveled held high esteem, for sure.
The destination reached is a function of time,
Perseverance and hard work are of importance prime.
So burying dead thoughts and bridging the chasm,
Unmindful of success, of my journey’s path,
I marched ahead with vigor and enthusiasm.